Our Latest Albums

This section of the website has a selection of our instrumental tracks, with embedded links from our YouTube channel which will allow you to play them directly on this site. There are also links to download mp3 versions of the tracks (higher quality than available on YouTube) and also access podcasts of our music via iTunes.

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As you may have read on the Production page, all of the tracks on this website were performed and recorded live without prior rehearsal or musical notation; being Holy Spirit inspired and entirely spontaneous improvisation. We trust that they will bless you as you listen and use them in times of prayer / worship / personal reflection. We thank the Lord for His creative anointing on this music and would like to give all of the glory to Him!

Anthems Of Ascent

‘Anthems of Ascent’ was our first major album release. It has been listened to by hundreds of people in over seven nations around the world and counting! We have received multiple emails from those that have been touched by this ‘beautiful music’.

The River

‘The River’ was recorded over the course of two evening sessions when Asaph Music was providing live inspirational instrumental music to support a men’s weekend at Crowhurst in East Sussex. It has many unique themes and musical sequences, which we are sure will be a great source of blessing to many.

Promised Land

‘Promised Land’ originates from several Asaph Music sessions recorded during 2018. A number of the themes and musical sequences that came out of these sessions were subsequently mixed down into the main tracks used for this album.

Important note on use of our music

Asaph Music reserves all rights and copyright to all our works/recordings but permission is granted to play our works/recordings in whole or part in non-commercial public situations such as playing tracks during a ministry time in a church or during a session at a mental health unit, for example. However, our works/recordings may not be used in whole or part for non-commercial websites or productions or for commercial broadcasts or any other commercial purposes without the prior written agreement of Asaph Music.