Anthems of Ascent

‘Anthems of Ascent’ was our first major album release. It has been listened to by hundreds of people in over seven nations around the world and counting!

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This album reached final production in 2013. All of the tracks below were recorded live without prior rehearsal; being Holy Spirit inspired and entirely spontaneous improvisation. A few minor additions were made during final mastering of some of the recorded tracks but only as led by the Spirit and always keeping within the flow and anointing of the live recording.

You can stream music from YouTube by clicking on the white on red play symbol from the embedded YouTube links for each of the tracks below. You can download high quality mp3 files by clicking on the “Download MP3” buttons below. If you wish to listen our music in iTunes please click on the “Podcast” buttons below.

Entering the Throne Room

As we played this music, we were immediately conscious of approaching the Throne Room of God. The Bible tells us that we can approach the throne of grace with all confidence (Hebrews 4v16) but many of us struggle and do not feel worthy. How wonderful that our ability to enter the Throne Room is not, then, based on how we feel! The Lord Jesus has made a way for us and we can run, as children, into the arms of our everlasting Father in Heaven. We saw a picture unfold as we played as if an angel was showing someone around the outer courts of Heaven and encouraging them to come to the Throne Room. At first the person was hesitant and did not consider themselves worthy to do so, but waves of love were flooding out from where God dwelt. Then they saw the Lord Jesus in all His glory and we hear a regal anthem in worship to Him…

Symphony of Love: Lamb of God

The music on this track was inspired initially by the choir sounding ‘Agnus Dei’ in Latin, which is translated as ‘Lamb of God’. Later we listened back and were struck by the sense of the Lord’s love, hence the ‘Symphony of Love’ track name. The bible tells us that God is love and the greatest love expressed was His son laying His life down for us, in full payment for our sins. Jesus Christ was the Lamb of God that was slain. He did it because of God’s love for each and every one of us, that through his death and resurrection we could be set free . He rose again and sits at the right hand of the Father. He is love. Jesus is alive!

Longing for Your Glory to Fall

During this recording we initially felt as if we were sowing seeds in prayer. Then, as described by Paul in the second half of Romans chapter 8, we were aware of waiting with all of creation for the coming hope and the Lord’s return. Finally, we were inspired by Hebrews 12v2, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…” (KJV). Let us always keep our eyes fixed on Him.

Anthem of Ascent

Psalm 122 v1 says, “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD” (KJV). As we played we felt that it was as if we had awoken and were joyfully climbing steps to the temple. Playing with instruments in an instrumental song of ascent; an anthem of ascent, which builds as we approach the temple and enter inside. There is one unusual element to this track: The listener may notice that the piano theme heard at the beginning of the track repeats much later on. When we listened back to the recording for the first time we felt strongly that the piano theme that emerged much later during the session should be brought forward to the beginning and then left to reprise later. So, this track is unusual in having this kind of production copy and repeat applied to it. In all other respects, the music played is as spontaneous as the other tracks on this website.

My Lord and my God (John 20 v27-8)

This track is unique amongst the others in being solo piano. On playing it to one of our Trustees, they immediately had a vision of a story unfolding in which a man that has never really turned fully to belief in our Lord Jesus suddenly sees a vision of the cross and sees Jesus with outstretched arms to receive him. There are many people that have not yet made the leap from ‘knowing about’ Jesus to ‘knowing’ Him. In the Bible, there is a wonderful story of Jesus appearing to Thomas (John chapter 20) and all his doubts melting away. The track is therefore named after the words that Thomas spoke. If you can identify with this story then it is our prayer that you turn to Jesus and believe fully in Him…

The beauty of creation

This track makes us think about the Lord’s creation and all that is good in Him. In particular we thought of sunset and night fall when the stars are visible in the night sky as we rest in Him and sleep safe in His protection. On listening back to the session we became aware that this track may carry an anointing to help those that find it difficult to rest and to sleep. See also the related track, “He gives sleep to His loved ones”.

The freedom of trusting in Him

Initially as we played we were aware of great warmth and sunshine, like a wonderful, warm, spring day. Then we were conscious of the verses in Jeremiah chapter 29 about the Lord having a plan and purpose for us. We must trust Him with every area of our lives. If you are have been made with a gift for painting, then paint! If He has given you a gift of leadership, then lead! There is freedom in trusting in Him...

He gives sleep to His loved ones (Ps 127v2)

There are many people that find it difficult to sleep. We felt a great sense when listening back to this session of the Lord’s desire to bless his loved ones with the gift of sleep (see Psalm 127 v2). Like the related track, “The Beauty of Creation”, this track may carry an anointing to help those that find it difficult to rest and to sleep…

He is with us, wherever we go

There are many verses in the bible where the Lord promises that He will never leave us or forsake us (such as Genesis 26v3, Joshua 1v5, Psalm 23, Isaiah 41v10, Isaiah 43v2, Hebrews 13v5). What a wonderful thing to know the security that He is always with us! This piece of music seems to convey this; the joy of knowing His presence and the security of being able to hold tight to Him. We have the Holy Spirit with us and the joy of the Lord is our strength! (

Important note on use of our music

Asaph Music reserves all rights and copyright to all our works/recordings but permission is granted to play our works/recordings in whole or part in non-commercial public situations such as playing tracks during a ministry time in a church or during a session at a mental health unit, for example. However, our works/recordings may not be used in whole or part for non-commercial websites or productions or for commercial broadcasts or any other commercial purposes without the prior written agreement of Asaph Music.